Lyssa paced back and forth in front of the dark fireplace. The embers glowed and the heat warmed her chilled bones. Solomon watched her; even he did not know the full extent of her abilities.
Tobias was lying in front of the fireplace. He could read her thoughts and sometimes she could read his. She stopped and leaned her head against the cold, marble mantle. She closed her eyes. “Tobias what are we going to do?”
His eyes shifted towards Lyssa. “Lyssa we could go deep into the woods. There are many caves we can live in away from people.” She looked at him, shocked that she had heard him so clearly.
“We could be running from the rest of our lives Tobias. I don’t want a husband or to be locked away. Why do people fear what they don’t understand?”
Solomon noticed the look passing between Tobias and Lyssa. “Lyssa, can you talk to Tobias?” She looked at Solomon. “Yes for a while now but never as clearly as today. Solomon, I don’t want a husband or to be chained up. I would never intentionally hurt anyone. That hunter picked up his gun and pointed it at Tobias. I had to protect him.”
He smiled remembering the day he brought Tobias to Lyssa. The wolf cub had been lying next to the body of his mother. His mother had been shot. “I know Lyssa. Everything will be fine. Do you know the full extent of your abilities?”
She walked to a nearby chair and said, “My abilities are changing daily. I thought maybe if I demonstrated to the townspeople, that they would reconsider.”
Solomon moved to the opposite side of the table. “I’m not sure they would. Why don’t you give me a little demonstration and I’ll decide.”
Lyssa stood a moment and then the air began to move. The desk floated into the air. The chair came off the ground, and then Lyssa rose into the air. The small items around the room began to swim around Solomon. As Lyssa smiled, the things began to spin more. Solomon cleared his throat. Lyssa looked at him. “Sorry.” Slowly, everything floated back to the ground.
“Lyssa do you have powers that might be considered dangerous?” She looked at Solomon. A ball of blue light appeared in front of her and it started to spin. An electrical current flew out and blew up the chair. As she concentrated the ball grew in size and changed in colors. It became a ball of fire. Solomon watched and realized that Lyssa’s powers had grown beyond what he was aware of. “Lyssa have you ever lost control of this particular power?” She closed her eyes and the ball disappeared.
“Just once. I was deep in the forest and I blew up a boulder.” Solomon couldn’t contain the look of surprise. Lyssa began to try to explain why and what had happened. Solomon put his hand on her shoulder. “Quiet, Lyssa. Don’t tell anyone of that incident. I’m afraid they would not understand.” Lyssa realized that no one would understand her or her powers. A tear silently slipped down her face.
“Solomon I won’t survive being chained nor will Tobias. Maybe if we promise to leave the region and go high into the mountain forest, the townspeople will let us go.”
Solomon knew she was right. She and Tobias would die in captivity. “Lyssa you could take their choice of a husband. You would still be free to roam your land with Tobias.”
“I will be no man’s chattel.”
“It may not be like that Lyssa. Wait and see who it is that they have chosen. You don’t want to die alone in this dwelling.”
“I would rather die alone then become the property of some man’s desires.”
“Lyssa just hear Vincent out. See who the choice is, you might be surprised and you never know you maybe able to state your conditions for the marriage.”
“Tobias and I will go hear the verdict but I will not just stand by and accept the situation without some conditions of mine being considered. If I’m the least bit dismissed, Tobias and I will disappear.” Solomon nodded and silently wondered if she was being literal.
Vincent and the council stood around the fire pit. Lyssa, Solomon and Tobias walked within the light of the flames. Vincent could see by Lyssa’s face that the decision had been extremely tough. He shook Solomon’s hand. “I am glad you have returned on your own. I was afraid we would have to enforce the decision of the council.”
Solomon shook his head. “Lyssa is willing to listen to you Vincent, but if she does agree to take a husband she has some conditions she would like to be considered.”
Vincent smiled. “I expected as much. Please let me hear your conditions.”
Lyssa swept her hair back over her shoulders. Vincent gazed at her beauty and smiled at her. She had no idea how long he had been watching her. He had seen her a few years ago, playing with the wolf in the forest. Hair that glowed like red, hot embers, eyes that flashed green with mischief, had caught his attention. Vincent was not scared of her powers or the wolf. He had been about to approach Solomon about Lyssa when he had been summoned by the council. He realized that acquiring Lyssa as his wife by demand of the council was not exactly what he had planned but it didn’t hurt. She cleared her throat and Vincent snapped by to the present.
“I wish to be a wife in name only. I wish to be no man’s property or be subjected to any duties demanded by marriage vows.” Vincent chuckled.
“I see. What if your new husband agrees to these conditions and you later change your mind?”
Disdain shot like lightening bolts from her eyes. “I will not change my mind. Tobias and I belong to no one now or ever. If these conditions cannot be met, we will disappear, never to be found or return.”
The look of disgust and disdain on her face took Vincent aback. He realized that she had never been taught how to love or to be loved. Vincent nodded. “Agreed, it will be a marriage in name only until such time as you wish it otherwise.” Solomon breathed a sigh of relief. Lyssa however stood tensed and looked at Vincent.
“Who is to be my jailer?” He reached out and took her hand. “I am your jailer Lyssa. I go happily to be your guardian, protector, jailer and husband, to live out my life with you and Tobias in your forest home.”
She gasped at the tingle that passed between them. No man other than Solomon had ever touched her. Vincent felt her tremble maybe there was a chance. He turned towards the town’s people. “As regional magistrate, I pronounce Lyssa and me husband and wife. As promised she will not leave her property without me at her side, nor will anyone step foot on to her property. The lines will be clearly marked. All in agreement say Aye.” The voices could be heard in unison. “Anyone opposed say Nay.” There was not one “Nay” uttered. Lyssa’s shoulders slumped with defeat. She had no friends but lots of enemies.
Vincent turned to face her. “Lyssa, I would be honored if you would show me the way home.” Numbly she began to walk. Tobias pushed her hand.
“Lyssa he seems to be a harmless man. I don’t think we have anything to fear.” Lyssa roughed his head. “We shall see. I will not live caged and I’m afraid that will happen.”
Vincent followed along in silence. He watched Tobias and Lyssa. Solomon was following. Vincent slowed letting Solomon catch up with him. Vincent smiled at Solomon. “I have watched Lyssa for months, maybe years. I was just about to come see you about her.”
Solomon was surprised by Vincent’s declaration. “Really, I had no idea that anyone knew she existed until the hunting incident yesterday.”
“I have always been very careful. Do you know how she got her powers? Did her parents have the same abilities?”
Solomon shrugged. “I found Lyssa when she was six. Her parents were dead and she was sitting just staring at the flames of the house. She wouldn’t talk for weeks. It wasn’t until I brought Tobias home that she actually talked, and I saw her smile for the first time. She has always been by herself or with Tobias.”
They walked a little while and Vincent said, “Do you think I can get her to fall in love?”
Solomon smiled. “I don’t know. She is afraid to love anyone for fear of losing them.” Vincent nodded.
Lyssa stopped at the vine covered the wall. Tobias sat down beside her. Vincent watched as Lyssa stretched her arm towards the wall. The vines slowly lifted and revealed the door. Vincent looked surprised. “I would never have thought there was a door behind the vines.”
Solomon patted him on the back. “That is exactly the point.” They followed Lyssa and Tobias through the door way. Lyssa turned and waved her hand and the door literally disappeared. Vincent made a mental note of that particular power. He also knew of the power to hold some one, lift them off the ground. Mentally he wondered what else she was capable of. Could she take a life? Would she? Vincent hoped that she would give him time so that they could get to know each other. He wanted them to be friends, husband and wife, and eventually lovers. A smile touched his lips. Lyssa caught the smile. It was very pleasant. It sort of made her feel good. She called Tobias. “Will you stay inside tonight?” He nuzzled her hand. “Yes Lyssa, just to calm your fears.”
They entered the keep. Lyssa walked by the fireplace and stoked the fire with a snap of her fingers. Vincent looked at Solomon. “She is amazing. To what extent are her powers?”
Solomon shrugged. “We are not completely sure. She has yet to test them completely. She did give me a small demonstration earlier today.” Vincent called to Lyssa.
“Can I have a demonstration of your powers as you gave Solomon today?” Lyssa looked at Solomon, fear registering on her face.
“He is your husband Lyssa. Do as he requests. You no longer need approval from me.” Tobias yawned and stretched out in front of the fireplace. Vincent removed his jacket and sat on the table since there was no chair. Lyssa moved to the center of the room. She sighed. Her fingertips extended her hands at her sides. The air began to move around them. Lyssa slowly rose into the air, the small blue lights appeared and lightening flowed from her finger tips. Solomon watched. She was controlling things much better this evening. Soon the table that Vincent rested on rose off the floor. He laughed. The noise broke her concentration and everything stopped and then dropped. Vincent, the table and Lyssa all hit the floor. Lyssa waited to see if he was going to be angry. He was laughing so hard he couldn’t speak. Tobias sat up, ears perked to attention. Lyssa sat up and crawled towards him. “Vincent, are you okay? I didn’t mean to drop you.”
He could see the concern in her expression and tried to calm his laughter. “Lyssa… Lyssa, I’m fine.” She sat back on her heels, her feelings of fear fading. Tobias walked over and licked Vincent. Vincent laughed again. Tobias sat down and said, “Lyssa I like him. He is not going to cause us any harm or fear I believe.” She looked at Tobias. “I think you might be right, but I have not known him long enough yet to be sure.” Vincent realized that she and Tobias were communicating. “You can talk to Tobias? Can you teach me to communicate with him as well?”
Shock registered on her face. She stammered. “I can communicate but that just recently started. I’m not sure I can teach you how. It just sort of happened.”
Solomon watched Lyssa and Vincent. She would be okay. He reached to help Vincent up. Lyssa stood. “I really am sorry. I did not mean to drop you. Your laughter caught me off guard.”
He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “It is fine. I’m not angry. I will never be upset with you for using your powers.” She half smiled at him. “Thank you. If you will let me go, I’ll see about some food for us all.” She waited. Vincent dropped his hands. Solomon looked at her. “I’ll be going. I will come by again.” Vincent shook his hand. “Thank you. I promise no harm will come to her.” Solomon nodded. “Good night.” He left.
Lyssa started out of the room. “Lyssa how will Solomon leave the compound?” She smiled. “The door appears on this side when some one approaches. It is just outside the wall that no one can see.” Vincent moved to follow her and Tobias rose to follow Vincent. “But I watched it disappear completely.” She smiled. “I will show you tomorrow. You are not a prisoner and there are other exits and entries.” Her smile had faded. “Please don’t stop smiling. I did not think of it as being a prisoner. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I have watched you in the forest for months, maybe years.” They walked into the kitchen. Lyssa again started the fire in the fireplace. She pulled out some cheese, bread and wine. Vincent observed their surroundings. Although it was an old keep, it had been some what modernized. There was a refrigerator unit, lights and a gas grill of sorts, running water and he assumed bathrooms. From the looks of things, the battle that had separated a lot of people had hardly touched this keep. Lyssa’s clothing was partly historical and partly modern. She wore pants, leather looking; boots lined with fur and her shirt was big and belted at the waist. He still wore the leather uniforms of the warriors. He carried a knife and a firearm. Although he knew Lyssa could protect herself, he wanted her to feel safe with him. She turned towards Vincent. “I have some venison stew that was made earlier today, if that will work.” Vincent smiled. “Perfect. Should I sit the table?” She nodded. “That will be fine.” Lyssa continued preparing food. While she was cooking she pulled some raw meat from the refrigeration unit and threw it towards Tobias, who seemingly caught it with no effort. She poured the wine and carried it out to Vincent. He took the glass. “Thank you.” He caught her hand and kissed her fingertips. She drew her hand back. “Please Vincent. I would prefer that you not do that.” He released her hand. “Lyssa I would never harm you or ask something from you that you would not willingly give. I would like for us to be friends.” She turned to get their food. “The only friends I have are Solomon and Tobias. They do not ask anything from me except to love them, protect them and care for them when needed. If you seek more from our friendship, then I cannot be your friend.” Vincent replied softly, “I would expect no more of you then Tobias or Solomon.” She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.
They sat talking after the meal. Finally, Lyssa yawned. “Please excuse me. It has been a long day. If you will come with me, I will show you where you can sleep.” He quietly followed her through the fortress. They climbed some stairs and continued down a hall. Lyssa stopped and opened a large door. “You can have this room and arrange it anyway you like. If you require additional furniture, there is some down in the underground storage of the keep.” He nodded. “And where is your sleeping quarters Lyssa?” She looked at him, her smile fading. “I sleep on the top floor in the Master bedroom. Why do you ask?” He took her hands in his. “Because I would share you room as your husband.” Lyssa tried to pull her hand free, swallowing. Vincent continued, “I will keep my word Lyssa. I will not force you to be my wife in anything other than name, until you are ready.”
She quieted. “Yet you wish to sleep in my room, my bed.” He nodded and released her hands. “Then you will not object to Tobias being in our, my room?” He reached for the open door, closing it. “Absolutely not and I would not force Tobias out of your room, just as I would hope he would not come between us.” Tobias watched and said, “He is right Lyssa. He should share your room. Now that people know of you and that you have special abilities, they may try to harm you.” Lyssa suddenly realized she could actually be in danger. “Follow me Vincent. However, I do expect you to keep your promise.”
“Until you invite me into your bed as your husband, I will keep my word.”