Vincent rose from the bed. The fire was lit and their appeared to be clean clothes at the end of the bed. Lyssa had blushed tomato red when he had stripped last night. He had quickly slipped beneath the covers to cause her less embarrassment. She had changed behind a screen into a gown. She stepped out and the firelight outlined her body. She climbed beneath the covers careful not to get too close. Vincent had turned his back to her and tried to sleep. Her beauty had awakened his desires, and it took all his will power to keep his promise. He surveyed the room. Lyssa was no where to be found. He quickly dressed. “Come on Tobias, let’s find Lyssa.” The big wolf jumped from the bed and headed down the hall.
As they drew close to the kitchen, Vincent could smell something delicious. He entered the kitchen and Lyssa was removing meat from the grill. There were eggs, bread, potatoes and fruit. He cleared his throat. “Good morning wife.” She jumped startled from his voice. “Good morning Vincent. Tobias?” He walked towards her. She tossed a chicken and again Tobias caught it with little effort. He trotted off and Lyssa smiled. “I thought perhaps we could just sit in here this morning.”
Vincent sat down. “That is fine. I’m not much on big dining tables and fancy meals. I like life pretty simple.” She breathed a sigh of relief.
“I’ve been alone since I was six. I don’t know what is proper when it comes to preparing meals and having guest.” He looked at the meal she prepared. “This is more than a proper meal. You have done fine.” She sat and began to eat.
After the meal, Vincent helped Lyssa clear away the dishes. He touched Lyssa’s arm. “I was thinking that maybe we could test your powers.”
She seemed nervous. “I’m not sure what kind of control I can maintain.” He moved her hair; His fingers lingering on one of the fiery curls. “It’s fine. We will find out together.” She nodded. “I will wait in the courtyard for you.” She left the keep.
The weeks flew by and Lyssa’s powers became stronger and controlled. Lyssa and Vincent had also grown closer. Vincent sat, leaning against the wall and watched Lyssa. She was balancing boulders, levitating and spinning lightning bolts from her fingertips. He laughed. She spun around to look at him.
“Are you laughing at me husband?” It had become a joke calling each other husband or wife. He stood. “No wife. I was not laughing at you; just laughing because I am truly happy.” He started towards her. She slowed the air and slowly her husband climbed the air as if he was climbing a staircase. When he reached her, she sped the air back up. Vincent reached towards her and she held her hand out and passed a lightening ball to her husband. She giggled as it danced into Vincent’s hand. They had just started doing this in the last couple of days. “Well done wife. I think we have practiced enough with your powers today. Let’s go practice your people skills.”
Lyssa’s concentration fluttered and the boulders began to drop. “Sorry Vincent. People make me nervous.” He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Concentrate. Lower us to the ground and still the air.” She closed her eyes. She liked the feel of Vincent’s arms around her. Slowly they floated down. As her toes touched the ground, Vincent lightly kissed her lips. She relaxed in his arms. Vincent raised and smiled at her. “I enjoy your kisses Lyssa.”
“And I enjoy your kisses and your arms about me.” He stepped back. “Let me know when you are ready to learn more of those particular people skills.”
Tobias bound towards Vincent and landed against Vincent’s chest. “Lyssa laughed. “Tobias!” Vincent scuffed his fur. “What is it boy?”
“There is a man trying to find a way into the fortress.” Vincent had heard him as plain as day. “Show me where.” Tobias ran. Lyssa concentrated and floated up on the air and towards the high wall. Vincent watched her fly up and onto the wall. Tobias ran to the wall and growled. Vincent waited for a door to appear, but none did. Vincent covered his eyes from the sun. “Lyssa put me on the wall.”
“No I might drop you.” Vincent shouted. “It will be fine. Just raise me up.”
She concentrated and Vincent slowly rose in the air. Just as he reached the edge, an arrow flew pass Lyssa and she dropped Vincent. His reflexes were quick and he caught the edge and pulled himself up. Lyssa called out.
“Vincent they are shooting arrows. Get down!” She watched as Vincent ducked and several arrows whizzed over head. “Vincent!” All at once Lyssa was beside him. Fire flew from her fingers and toward the rocks on the side of the fortress. A man ran out, “Please! Don’t kill me!” Lyssa drew back her hand and a fireball formed. Vincent grabbed her hand. “No Lyssa. Wait!” She immediately lost her concentration from his touch. “Vincent! They tried to kill us.” An arrow passed between them from a new direction. Tobias let out a growl and half howl. Lyssa threw a fireball in the direction of the arrows path and a tree broke in half. The man jumped and ran, hiding in the brush. A piercing whistle filled the air. You could here scrambling all around. Lyssa rose into the air, lightening began to form around her. Vincent caught her ankle. “No Lyssa. Let them go.” She floated back down. She turned to face him. “Keep your hands off of me.” She walked towards the bailey, floated to the ground, and walked into the keep.
Vincent looked at the tree that she had blown to pieces. He looked at the door that lead into the keep. He walked the narrow wall to the bailey and jumped into the hay piled high against the wall, and rolled to the ground. Tobias ran towards Vincent. “Vincent, I can hear Lyssa’s thoughts. She is going to leave the safety of the keep."
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