Tobias was lying in front of the fire. There was food and wine on the side board. Vincent motioned for the men to help themselves. He scanned the next room and turned his attention to Tobias. The wolf’s ears stood up. “She is on the bailey wall. She is concerned.”
“Thank you Tobias,” Vincent stated.
Dixon looked at Vincent. “You are thanking the wolf?”
Vincent smiled. “He is Lyssa’s constant companion mentally and for the most part physically.”
Dixon was in awe, “And he speaks?”
“Mostly to Lyssa but I can communicate with him as well as my wife.” Dixon continued to eat. Vincent sat down. Solomon and the men were talking. Lyssa’s thoughts invaded Vincent’s mind. “Why did you touch me after I asked you not to?”
Vincent grinned. “If you want to have a conversation, come inside. We will speak to each other when we are physically in the same room.” She didn’t respond. Vincent went back to his conversation with Dixon. “The men that ran away, do you know who they were?”
Dixon shook his head. “We have not seen them before. Maybe they were from your village?”
Vincent rubbed his head. “I would hope not. There was a pledge or promise to stay off of her land, just as we promised not to go to the village.”
Suddenly, the men went silent. Lyssa had entered the room. Vincent stood and offered her his chair. She took his hand and quivered. He felt her tremble. “Lyssa this is Dixon; Dixon, my wife Lyssa.”
Dixon bowed his head. “I’m honored that you have joined us. I apologize for attacking without stating our cause.”
She shook her head, “No it is I that should apologize. I feared that you were here to kill us. I have been threatened before by men from the village.”
Vincent squeezed Lyssa’s hand. “I promised to protect you.” He kissed the back of her hand. Dixon smiled. “I can see that you love each other. I should have come before now to claim you as my wife. I would be lucky to have your heart.”
Lyssa just looked at Dixon. Did she truly care for Vincent? Did she love him? Tobias rolled to his side and sighed. “Lyssa it would not be a bad thing for you to love Vincent.” Lyssa took a drink and closed her eyes. She could still feel Vincent’s lips against the back of her hand, and wondered what his lips would feel like against hers, the kind of kiss that a husband and wife exchanged.
Tobias made a low growl, and Lyssa looked at him. “What is it Tobias?”
“I hear voices outside the keep.”
Vincent stood. He had heard Tobias as well. “Dixon, all of your men are here inside, yes?” Dixon nodded. “Yes.”
“Lyssa stay inside this room. I will go to the bailey wall to see what they need.” She grabbed his arm. “Let me go with you.” He kissed her gently on the forehead, “No my love. I will be fine,” and he was gone.
Vincent climbed the steps to the bailey wall. He could see five men but could not tell if there were more. “Why are you men here on this land?” The leader, Vincent recognized. It was Thomas.
“We want rights to hunt in this forest.”
Vincent placed his hands on his hips. “This is private property. I’ve marked the lines plainly for all to see. There is plenty of forest area north and east of the village.” William another man stepped forward. “The animals are growing scarce with the winter months approaching.” Vincent called out. “You should have been gathering for winter and placing in the store houses.”
Thomas took a step closer. “We have but there isn’t enough to carry the village through the winter. The witch should help us. She has plenty of deer, hogs and turkey on this land.”
Anger filled Vincent’s very being. “Thomas I am still magistrate of this region. You will show respect for my wife. Return to the lines of the property and do not return to hunt. Go catch fish and rabbits. Dig up the last of the vegetables and put them in the store houses.”
The men started to murmur amongst them. Thomas looked back at Vincent. “We have every right to hunt for food for the village. We will be back.” Vincent glared at Thomas. “Then you will face the consequences for that decision should you make it.” And he left the wall.
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