Tobias started towards the kitchen area and stopped. “What is it?” Tobias sat down. “She has left Vincent and I cannot hear her thoughts.”
Vincent ran towards the kitchen. There was not a sound, not anywhere within the keep. He looked at Tobias. “I need to go find her. Can you track her?”
Tobias stood. “If she is walking, I can. If she is floating, I’m not sure.”
They headed out. Just as they cleared the keep, Solomon came out of the clearing. He waved.
“Vincent! I heard shouting.” Vincent walked to meet him.
“Did you see Lyssa? She has disappeared.” Solomon looked worried when he saw Tobias.
“Why isn’t Tobias with her?”
Vincent rubbed his neck, “Over the last few months, Lyssa’s powers have grown and developed. She can keep Tobias from reading her thoughts and I can now hear Tobias. Lyssa’s control is beyond anything I’ve ever seen or imagined. She can almost control the elements.”
Solomon just stood staring, disbelief in his eyes. “What?”
“And she can float through the air.” Solomon sat on a nearby boulder. “My God in heaven! Why would you increase her power?”
Vincent looked at him. “They are growing on their own. Its almost as if she just thinks of something and it happens.” Solomon sat shaking his head. “We need to find her.”
“I know. Tobias and I were just about to go after her.” They headed into the forest.
Lyssa could see what was happening, but if was as if she was faraway. The air that surrounded her was so thick and full of energy. Anger filled her body completely and swept her through the forest. Finally she landed on a outcropping of rocks. It was high enough she could see a distance in to the forest. An arrow flew just past her ear; a force field surrounded her immediately. A second arrow hit just in front of her and a log was quickly engulfed in flames.
Tobias ran ahead of Vincent and Solomon. He called to Lyssa. “Lyssa I’m on my way.” Vincent heard his call. He waited to see if Lyssa would answer. Finally after what seemed like an hour but was only minutes, she answered, “No. Tobias it is too dangerous. Protect Vincent.”
Vincent screamed mentally. “Lyssa return to the keep. You are in too much danger.” They continued after Tobias. “Vincent do not come into the forest!”
There was an explosion. Solomon and Vincent ran towards the smoke. Just as they entered the clearing, they saw Lyssa standing on the rocks. Arrows were flying towards her head and easily deflected away. Tobias and Vincent ran to the rocks and began to climb. The arrows changed direction and began to fly towards them. Lyssa threw a bolt of lightening towards the men and another tree blew up. Men flew in different directions from the blast, screaming. Slowly Lyssa lifted Tobias, Vincent and Solomon to the rocks and enveloped them behind her force field. Vincent reached towards Lyssa and she said, “Don’t husband. I will lose my concentration and we will all be killed.”
He stopped short. “You need to stop this. It will just make issues worse.” She gritted her teeth and anger seethed through her body. “I didn’t start this! They did. I’ve not left this keep except to be on my property since the day I became your wife.”
He stepped up beside her and called out, “Cease fire! Show yourselves! You will not be harmed.” Lyssa kept the force field up and in place. She waited to see if more arrows would be shot. After a few minutes, a man came out of the trees. He raised his hand towards Vincent. “We have come for the witch.”
Lyssa gasped and heat began to build. Vincent glanced at her and turned back towards the man. “She is not a witch. Why do you seek her? She has done nothing to you.”
The man stepped closer. “My name is Dixon. We come from a village on the coast. Many years ago a couple arrived in our village with a young girl. They helped us defeat an enemy and in return they were given land here. This very land; a small keep was already here. In return for their promise not to use their powers against us, the child was pledged to one of the men’s son.” Lyssa gasped again. “I have a husband which I didn’t want, and I surely do not want another.” Vincent grinned. “I can only assume you are that young man?”
Dixon shook his head, “Yes. We will discuss this with her parents. They will remember.” The heat that emanated from Lyssa increased 10 fold. The young man took a step back. Please can you alert the couple that we are here?” The wave of heat pushed him back. Vincent looked at Lyssa. Her eyes were solid red. Vincent reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist. Her powers lost some of their intensity, but the force field remained. “My parents were killed. No doubt from your people.” Dixon took a step closer.
“Not from my village.” Vincent said, “Dixon why did you fire your weapons at us?” He shook his head. “It wasn’t us. We walked upon a group of men. They ran when they saw us and at about the same time a lightening bolt hit the tree over there.”
Concern filled Vincent. “Lyssa lower the force filed and lets go to the keep. We will invite them to join us.” She looked at Vincent. “I will do as you ask, but they will be the death of us.” He just looked at her wondering if she had some power to give her knowledge into the future. The force field disappeared. All of the men came forward. Vincent motioned for them to follow them. Lyssa lowered Vincent, Solomon and Tobias. “I will meet you at the keep,” and she lifted in to the air before Vincent could say anything. Tobias took off at a run. Dixon shook Vincent’s hand. “Thank you. We would not hold the girl to the betrothal since there is a marriage.”
“Come to the keep. We will break bread and have some wine.”
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