“Sorry.” She said.
The older gentleman beside her laid his hand on her back. “Calm down. Getting upset with them is not going to help matters.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m trying. It’s just that this meeting wouldn’t be necessary if that hunter had not been trespassing on my land.”
Solomon nodded. “I know Lyssa. No one even knew you existed until that day.”
Lyssa smiled but it quickly faded; if these people only knew the extent of her power. At the age of 15 she had discovered she could move things with just a thought. Her powers had grown and she had learned to control it. Her emotions could cause havoc however, and so had been the case that fateful day.
Lyssa and Tobias had been walking in the woods on her property when the gun had fired. Tobias had jumped and knocked Lyssa out of the way. It had grazed his coat. Tobias was her protector. He was half wolf and half German shepherd, but about twice the size of a normal mix. Just his size scared people.
The gasps of several people caused her to snap back to the present and she felt Tobias’ nose under her hand. Solomon raised his hands. “Please he will not harm you.” Solomon turned towards Lyssa. “Did you call him?”
She smiled. “Not on purpose. I was just thinking.”
Solomon nodded. “Please ask him to lie down at your feet.”
It was just seconds and Tobias sat, and then sprawled beside Lyssa. “Thank you.” Tobias let out a little sigh.
The crowd began to reform to face Lyssa and Solomon. Lyssa tensed and the hair on Tobias’ neck stood up. Vincent, the spokesman for the town along with Thomas, the man that had been hunting walked towards them. Vincent smiled at Lyssa as he shook Solomon’s hand. “Solomon, Lyssa, the town is a little upset that you have been living here all this time and no one knew you existed and to find out you possess powers or abilities that no one has ever seen or only heard of in books, is beyond their understanding or trust.”
Solomon nodded. “We understand Vincent. Lyssa has been alone since she was five. I’ve raised her and when we realized she possessed these talents, we decided it was best if she stayed out of town, especially until we knew the extent of her talents.”
Tobias stood and sat in front of Lyssa. The crowd stepped back as did Thomas, the hunter. Lyssa smiled and held up her hand. “Please Tobias will not hurt anyone. He reacts to my feelings and I’m a little anxious.”
The townspeople whispered amongst themselves. Vincent turned back to Solomon. “As you can see, they are as anxious as you. The unknown causes fear as well as curiosity. Lyssa how old are you?”
She shifted. “I am 20 years old.”
Vincent looked at her. “The townspeople feel that you should have a guardian or protector around the clock. They have suggested that you have a husband.”
Anger immediately filled her very being. Tobias stood; hackles raised. “I do not need a husband nor do I want one.” She turned back towards the forest and started to walk away.
Vincent said, “Lyssa please do not walk away. The options here are limited. Tobias did attack Thomas yesterday and although he did no damage, the townspeople want him caged.”
She whirled around. The air around her filled with white and blue lights, looking like electrical currents. The wind began to blow and dark clouds began to gather above the crowd. Solomon realized that things were about to explode. “Lyssa! Calm yourself.” The sharpness in his voice caused her to lose focus and the atmosphere calmed. Solomon looked at Vincent. “I will post signs around the perimeter of her property. Tobias will be with one of us at all times. There is no need to do anything else. You can keep the town folk away and Lyssa will stay away from town.”
Vincent sighed. He was the magistrate for the region. A formal complaint had been filed. “I’m sorry Solomon. As Magistrate and because of the demonstration of her emotions here today, I have no choice. A formal complaint was filed. They feel that a husband would have more control. It is either that or they want her taken into custody. The other issue is that she is not allowed to come to town either. “
Lyssa walked back to Vincent. “I have no need of this town or a husband. I grow my food or catch it. All of which I have no help. Solomon comes by to make sure that we are okay and to make sure that there is fire wood. Tobias attacked Thomas because he fired a gun in my direction. The damage done yesterday was to Tobias.”
Vincent reached for Lyssa. She backed away and Tobias moved between them. “Lyssa, what exactly did you do once Tobias knocked Thomas to the ground?”
She shifted her stance. “I picked him up from the ground.”
Thomas pointed towards her, “Yes but you never touched me with your hands and I couldn’t move or breathe until that man walked up and called your name.”
She hung her head. He spoke the truth. Her anger had been a problem all her life; her temper.
Vincent looked at Solomon and Lyssa. “You have until dark to make your decision. If you choose a husband, I will make the choice for you.”
Lyssa was even more taken aback. Not only must she submit to the rule of a husband but she would not even be allowed to make her own choice. She turned away. Tears filled her eyes. Tobias nuzzled her hand. Solomon looked towards Vincent. “You will have an answer by dark.” They walked away.
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