She looked into his eyes. “It was the men from the village. What do they want? I’ve kept my end of the bargain.” Solomon walked up. “I will go speak with them.”
Lyssa looked at him. “No I don’t want you harmed. Vincent please don’t let him go.”
He grabbed Solomon’s forearm. “She is right. They will not listen to reason. They feel they have the right to hunt this land. I’m afraid they will try to kill you.”
Solomon held Vincent’s forearm. “I can take care of myself. I know you will protect Lyssa. Good-bye my friend.” Solomon left. Lyssa tried to follow. Vincent grabbed her to keep her from following. Tears gathered in her eyes.
“He has been with me for many years.” Vincent pulled her close and she cried softly.
Dixon looked at his men. “William, Richard, go with the old man and do what you can to protect him.” The men ran after Solomon.
Lyssa looked at Dixon. “Thank you.” Vincent surveyed the room, mentally counting the people in the room. “It is late. Y’all are welcome to stay inside the keep or inside the bailey wall if you prefer to sleep under the stars.”
Dixon said, “I will post a few men outside and the rest and I will bed down here.”
Lyssa closed her eyes and sighed. All the downstairs fireplaces became a blaze. “I have lit all the fireplaces on the downstairs floor and a few on the bailey walls. Please let me know if you need anything else.” Dixon bowed his head. “Thank you.” Vincent, Tobias and Lyssa left the room.
Tobias stretched out in front of the fireplace, sighing deeply, content. Lyssa walked behind the dressing screen to disrobe and slip her night gown on. Vincent stripped and climbed beneath the cover. Lyssa walked to the bed.
“Vincent, do you love me?” He looked at his wife. “Yes Lyssa.”
She crawled into the bed and turned to face her husband. “If I asked you for a kiss, would you grant me that and not push me farther than I am willing to go?”
He studied her face; she was serious. “Lyssa I would never hurt you or force you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”
A tear slipped from her eyes. “Vincent, I’m experiencing feelings I’ve never had before. Not just towards you but with or about everything that is happening. I don’t understand any of them.”
He wiped her tears away and pulled her to him. “Lyssa it will be okay. Lay your head on my shoulder and go to sleep. You are safe from me and the outside world.” She sniffed. “Vincent I want you to kiss me as a husband kisses a wife.”
He swept a wayward curl from her face. “Lyssa.” She put her fingers against his lips. “Don’t say anything Vincent. Just kiss me.”
Slowly he leaned closer. She closed her eyes as his lips covered hers. The pressure increased, his tongue seeking entrance to her mouth. Her lips opened under his and suddenly emotion swept through her and her arms encircled his neck. His arms pulled her closer, pressing her body to his. She gasped from the heat of his body and he deepened their kiss.
Vincent suddenly realized that she was lost in the feelings and he pulled back. Their breathing was labored. “Go to sleep Lyssa. I will not take advantage of you.” Her eyes searched his. “Vincent I believe I am in love with you.” He kissed her forehead, rolling to his back and pulling her against his side. “I know Lyssa, and after this is all over, I will make you my wife in every sense of the word.” She laid her hand on his chest. “Good night husband.
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