“No. I will not leave you and Tobias.” Tobias crawled to her, laying his head in her lap. She patted his head. “I’m sorry my friend.” He rubbed his paws on her arm. “Lyssa I am in pain. Please end it for me. Vincent was hit three times. He is loosing blood, too fast.” Another arrow hit her in the shoulder. She pulled both arrows from her body. “Dixon I cannot hold the force field much longer. I need you to finish us off. Do not let the villagers get to us.” Vincent shook his head. “Lyssa you can survive without us. Dixon will take care of you.” Flames were slowly encircling them. Tobias was whimpering. “I will not leave you.” He kissed her. “Lyssa my love, I’m sorry I let you down.” She pulled Tobias between them and wrapped her arms around him. Vincent pulled her into his arms. Tobias yelped. “Lyssa you can take us out.” She suddenly realized Tobias was right. “I love you my husband.” Slowly the air began to gather and light began to glow from the three. Dixon watched as a light surrounded them. Electrical currents began to fly out of the small circle. The men had to hold on to the wall to keep from being sucked in. The noise from the circle became more intense. Suddenly, it sounded as if thunder rolled and lightening shot into the middle of the small circle and then there was just quiet.
Everyone just stood and stared at the place where the three had been. There was no sign, no indication that anyone had been there. William and Richard came out of the forest carrying Solomon’s body. Dixon met them. “Bury him inside the walls of the keep.”
1 comment:
ooo this is good!
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