Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movie Review: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Okay first I don't go to the movie theater to watch movies.  So all my movie reviews will be after the fact, but might help if you haven't seen the movie.

We just recently watched Wall Street Sequel.  It stars of course Michael Douglas, Shia LeBeouf, Carrie Mulligan, Frank Langella, Josh Brolin, and Susan Sarandon.  There are some other actors that appear, but these are the ones with the most of the roles in the movie.  Now I never saw Wall Street, but I'm sure it was very good.  So was this one.  Does it keep you guessing?  No.  Revenge is the main theme in this movie.  It is pay back and lets see who we can make pay for how I was wronged. 

I do recommend the movie and it is a great rental.  I probably would not pay 7.00 to go see it at the theaters, but then frankly, I'm not sure any movie is worth paying 7.00 to go see.  I give it 4 stars and think you will be surprised if you haven't seen it. 

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