"I'm good. Where are you?" Arlena tried to remember the last mileage sign she saw. "I think I'm in Colorado." Liz laughed. "You can't remember the last sign can you?"
Arlena laughed, "No. You know I don't pay a lot of attention when I'm listening to music." She passed a mile marker that said "85". "Ah mile marker 85." Another joke. Liz laughed. They got silent for a moment. "Momma you know you can come here and live. The offer still stands." Arlena swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'll be there before you have my grand babies, but I need some time alone."
Liz grinned, "You're never alone Mom. You have the three musketeers with you." Arlena chuckled. "I know. Is Adam at the rig?"
Liz shifted in the chair trying to get comfortable. Her belly huge with the twins she was carrying. "Yep. He will be home in another week." Arlena pulled into a gas station. "Okay. I'll call you when we stop tonight. The girls need a break from being in the car. How's the weather up there?"
"Nice. No snow yet. Shouldn't be here for another four weeks or so."
"Okay baby. I love you. See you soon."
"Bye Momma." Arlena hung up. Her daughter and son in law had moved to a remote area of Wyoming a year ago so they could spend more time together. Adam's rig was still a couple of hours away, but it was better than a plane ride.
Arlena filled the Tahoe and went inside. There was an old man behind the counter. "Hello ma'am." Arlena smiled, "Hi. Is there a cafe or a diner around here?"
The old man nodded. "Just up the road a bit on the right. Irene has the best cornbread around." Arlena giggled. "Sounds good. Thanks."
The old man said, "It being Wednesday night, they'll be having dinner at the church for anyone interested." Her smile faded some, but she muttered, "Thank you." She climbed in to the truck and "Church" came from her lips. Her thoughts went back to the town she left. She'd had a church home, many friends, lots of good happened there. They had stood by her through a lot. She had gone through recovery with them, survived financial hardships and then God delivered a blow she couldn't get up from. He had taken Jackson. The one true love of her life. A tear slipped from her eyes and she cranked the truck and headed off.
True to the man's word, the diner was just about five miles down the road. She parked as close to grassy area as she could. She put Dixie and George on a double leash and started walking them around. They rolled in the cool grass. Arlena kept glancing at the truck. Sioux was sitting patiently waiting her turn. It took all of Arlena's strength and both hands on the harness to walk Sioux. Part of the Mastiff family, she wasn't a 200 pound dog, but she did weigh as much as Arlena. The girls came back and sat at Arlena's feet waiting to be petted and for a drink. She walked back to the Tahoe and took a bowl down and poured them some water. Sioux whined. "Just a minute girl. Your sisters are almost done."
Dixie and George got back in and just as she was getting Sioux her cell phone rang. No caller id. She pushed the talk button, "Hello?"
"I'm looking for Jackson Montgomery." Arlena swallowed. "Who is this?"
The man coughed. "My name is Ezekiel James. I met him a few years ago. This number was listed with information." Arlena wiped a way a tear. "I'm sorry Mr. James. Jackson died about seven months ago. You're too late."
"Are you his wife?"
"Yes I was, am.. whatever."
"Then I guess I need to talk to you."
"Look I don't know what business you had with my husband but I'm sort of busy right now. This is my cell phone. I'm on my way to Wyoming, and I need..."
"Wyoming, really? That's where I live."
Arlena stopped. Sioux whined. "Look I really am busy. I need to walk my dog. Call me some time tomorrow." She disconnected the call. Arlena took Sioux out and fastened the safety chain to her belt and took Sioux's harness. As they walked Arlena's thoughts ran to the conversation she had with the gentleman. When had Jackson been to Wyoming? They had never been apart more than two days and he would have said something to her. Obviously the man had the wrong Jackson Montgomery.
Arlena focused as much as she could. The sky seemed to be blurred. Where was she? It seemed familiar but the air seemed so thick. A voice called her name. "Arlena." She turned towards the voice. There was a man standing beside a tree. "Who are you?"
The man moved towards her. "Why are you doubting your faith?" Anger filled her very being. The air began to swirl and grow dark. "Why should I have faith in someone that took my world away?" The darkness grew. Suddenly another man stood beside her. "Arlena your anger feeds my soul. Your hatred for God pleases me."
The first man shook his head. "Arlena God loves you and wants you to be happy." Tears filled her eyes. "He took Jackson from me." Suddenly the light grew and the man spread his wings. "Arlena fight against the darkness. One day you will be with Jackson again." She screamed. "Why did he have to die?" Heat flew through the air and the dark man laughed. The laugh, so sinister that Arlena gasped from the fear that hit her. The dark man reached for Arlena and his hand had claws not fingers. His eyes glowed red and he hissed as he laughed. She screamed and sat upright. Dixie laid beside her. She rubbed her eyes. Her heart was beating so hard in her chest. A hymn ran through her head, but she couldn't remember the words, just the tune. She closed her eyes and then took a drink to quench the dryness in her throat. She slipped back under the covers and stared at the ceiling.
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