When Satan was cast out of heaven, a third of the angels followed him and those angels became his demons. Satan tries to steal as many souls as he can from Jesus Christ. However, there are souls that belong to Jesus that Satan can try to take, but can never have. Those are the souls of people that have asked Jesus to live in their hearts.
Does that mean that Satan does not torment those souls? No, he still does but those souls have the assurance of the grace of God that they have a place in heaven. However, there are souls so tormented that they start to doubt their very existence and along with that, their salvation and the existence of God, Himself. Such is the story of Arlena.
She walked through the house one last time. The sound of her boots echoed against the hardwood floor. A single tear rolled down her cheek. He was gone and there was nothing left, not for her. Arlena stood one last time in the foyer. A heavy sigh escaped her as she pulled the keys from her jeans. As she walked through the door for the last time, a heavy sob escaped her lips. God had taken her everything in one fatal blow. Arlena climbed into the tahoe and turned the key. She pointed the vehicle west and never looked back.
Arlena drove until the sun started to fade from the sky. The dogs whined. She looked at the three in the rear view mirror. They missed him as much as she did; especially George. She had only been a few weeks old when they had met and married. Jackson had been her soul mate. She had waited half her life for him and God had taken him away. She scanned the road for a hotel or motel. She would rest, eat, give the dogs a walk and then start out again.
The crossroads loomed before her. She turned towards the left and it was only darkness, and she could hear sinister sounds and mumbling and there was a distinct smell of sulfur. To the right was light – It was so bright, she almost couldn’t look. She could hear the sound of voices and laughter. She looked intently – there was movement. Slowly a figure approached out of the light. Tears filled her eyes as the figure came closer. She could barely speak. “Jackson?” He stopped in front of her, “Arlena, what are you doing?” “Jackson where am I? And what are you doing here?” He pushed her hair off her shoulders. “Darlin’ you shouldn’t be here. Why are you so angry?”
“Jackson where am I? Why did you have to die?” The sounds of the darkness grew louder and Jackson began to fade. “Never lose your faith Arlena. God loves you and so do I,” and he was gone. The darkness was closer and she turned towards the noise. Eyes stared into hers. “Arlena….” The voice hissed with a growl. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. A long finger pointed at her from the darkness. She screamed and sat upright in the bed.
The dogs just looked at her. Dixie lay back down and was snoring in minutes. Sioux raised her head long enough to make sure Arlena was okay, and then stretched back out on the other side of the king size bed. George sat beside her momma and pawed at her arm. “It’s okay George; Just another bad dream.” Arlena lay down and George laid her head on Arlena’s stomach.
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